The Care Plus Program (CPP) facilitates the targeted and comprehensive service delivery to Orange County's most vulnerable populations and offers enhanced care coordination to expedite connections to supportive services and resources across the County of Orange’s (County) System of Care: Behavioral Health, Healthcare, Housing, Community Corrections, Benefits and Supportive Services.
The CPP utilizes the System of Care Data Integration System (SOCDIS) that integrates nine County databases, creating one virtual client record detailing a participant's demographics, program history and service utilization across the System of Care. To promote connection to services and resources, CPP employs a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) approach consisting of County departments and community-based organization meeting on a bimonthly basis to case conference, share relevant information and facilitate linkages, including services to be provided, ongoing engagement and interventions planned.
The Regional Care Coordination Services providers, Friendship Shelter, PATH and Volunteers of America (VOA) are community-based organizations that coordinate and collaborate with the other components of the System of Care to provide services that help respond and address unsheltered homeless conditions and provide comprehensive care coordination. This includes case management, disability benefit application assistance and advocacy, and housing navigation services, to individuals and adult only households experiencing homelessness living in Orange County, to secure permanent housing placement.