FY 2024 CoC Program NOFO

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is preparing to release the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition. Please utilize this webpage to reference any announcements and visit this page often for further updates related to the Orange County CoC local process.

Agency Administrative Review for CoC Funded-Agencies

The Orange County CoC FY 2024 Agency Administrative Review for CoC Funded-Agencies (Agency Administrative Review) was released on June 11, 2024, and is available on this webpage below. The Agency Administrative Review must be submitted to the Office of Care Coordination electronically via Dropbox. The submittal deadline for the FY 2024 Agency Administrative Review is Monday, July 1, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. (PDT)

 FY2024 CoC Program NOFO Approved Policy for Project Performance Measures (Posted July 2, 2024)

On June 26, 2024, the CoC Board approved, the FY2024 CoC Program NOFO Scoring and Rating Criteria for Renewal Projects, including the project performance measures, thresholds and point allocations. The approved FY2024 CoC Program NOFO Scoring and Rating Criteria for Renewal Projects policy will be utilized to evaluate CoC renewal projects’ performance for the FY2024 CoC Program NOFO. Please click here to view the memo and presentation slides presented to the CoC Board. The approved policy can also be viewed below.


January 9, 2024CoC Program Registration Notice posted and Registration Forms Available in e-snaps
March 7, 2024CoC Program Registration Deadline
March 27, 2024CoC Board Meeting: CoC NOFO Ad Hoc Approved
April 4, 2024Orange County CoC NOFO Office Hours
April 22, 2024Intent to Renew survey released to CoC-Funded Agencies
May 10, 2024Intent to Renew survey due to the Office of Care Coordination
May 15, 2024CoC NOFO Renewal Meeting with CoC-Funded Agencies
June 11, 2024Agency Administrative Review for CoC Funded-Agencies released 
June 26, 2024Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW) released by HUD
June 26, 2024CoC Board Meeting: Approve recommended FY2024 CoC NOFO Performance Measures, thresholds, and point allocations; CoC Renewal Project Rating and Ranking Criteria; and CoC Reallocation and Bonus Funding Priorities 
July 1, 2024Agency Administrative Review due to the Office of Care Coordination
July 5, 2024Feedback and Updates on GIW from CoC-Funded Agencies due to the Office of Care Coordination
July 10, 2024Completed GIWs and Revisions submitted by the Office of Care Coordination to local HUD field office
July 2024FY2024 CoC Program NOFO released by HUD (timeline to be announced)
July 2024CoC Renewal Project Application released and submitted to Collaborative Applicant
July 2024CoC NOFO Ad Hoc to review and score renewal projects 
July 2024Request for Proposals (RFP) of New Projects – CoC Bonus, Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus and Reallocation – to be released and submitted to Collaborative Applicant 
August 2024RFP panel members to review and score new project proposals 
August 2024CoC NOFO Ad Hoc to recommend ranking and tiering of projects 
August 2024CoC Board to approve final Project Rating and Ranking and selection of projects for Bonus Funding
September 2024Consolidated Application posted on website for community review (Per HUD 2 days before application submission)
September 2024CoC NOFO Submission Deadline per HUD guidelines

* Please note: Dates are subject to change. 


For any questions or comments, please email the Office of Care Coordination at CareCoordination@ocgov.com with the email subject line "FY2024 CoC Program NOFO".

To learn more about the Orange County CoC Board's preparations leading up to the FY 2024 CoC Program NOFO, please reference board meeting agendas and materials by visiting the 2024 CoC Board Webpage (https://ceo.ocgov.com/continuum-care)


Webpage last updated: July 2, 2024