Continuum of Care - Additional Documents

CoC Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Reallocation Strategy 

The Orange County CoC Reallocation Strategy was approved by the CoC Board at the August 24, 2022, meeting of the CoC Board. 

Point in Time Count

Continuum of Care (CoC) Vision 2022 - 2024

A CoC Vision was adopted at the December 2021 meeting of the CoC Board.  

By the end of Calendar Year 2024, the CoC Board will confidently make the following statements about the CoC’s impact:

  1. Permanently house those experiencing homelessness;
  2. Ensuring an efficient, dignified system;
  3. Promote an equitable and just system;
  4. Drive systemwide engagement and collaboration; and
  5. Strengthen regional leadership and accountability.

Orange County CoC Needs Assessment

CoC Anti-Discrimination Policy

The Orange County CoC Anti-Discrimination Policy was approved by the CoC Board at the October 27, 2021, meeting of the CoC Board. 

Training: HUD's Equal Access Rule

Equal Access Rule Implementation Presentation

On September 9, 2024, Dr. Deme Hill and Dr. Patricia Leslie provided information on how to incorporate the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Equal Access Rule into service provision, to ensure fair housing and shelter opportunities for people experiencing homelessness, as well as ensuring the preservation of families accessing housing and shelter. ensure safe, welcoming, and equitable spaces for all individuals.

Please note, this training is valid only for the 2024 CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Cycle as the training is updated on an annual basis. 

Training: Trauma Informed Care Training

On August 29, 2024, the Office of Care Coordination hosted a training that built upon basic principles of Trauma Informed Care. Through this training, attendees took a deeper dive into understanding secondary and vicarious trauma for both service providers and program participants, understand the overlap of Trauma Informed Care with Harm Reduction and other core principles, and identified ways to incorporate principles into service delivery practices with people experiencing homelessness.

To access training materials, please contact the Office of Care Coordination at

Training: Housing First Training

On August 21, 2024, the Office of Care Coordination hosted a training on the essential tools and techniques for Housing First implementation in design and operation by program model, including street outreach, emergency shelter and/or permanent housing. 

To access training materials, please contact the Office of Care Coordination at

Training: Trauma Informed Care 

On August 10, 2023, Dusty Olson provided information on how implement Trauma Informed Care. Through this training, service providers learned the basics of trauma and how it impacts the delivery of homeless services, learned the principles of trauma informed care, and identified ways to incorporate principles into service delivery practices.

Training: CalAIM Overview

Andrew Kilgust from CalOptima provided information on the CalAIM program on Friday, June 17, 2022. This training gave a general overview of CalAIM and described two of the benefits under the program - Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports. Additional information on current services available to eligible members and those that CalOptima will be implementing in the year to come were also covered, along with allotted time for questions and answers for those in attendance.

Racial Equity Roadmap Final Brief by C4 Innovations 

In December 2022, C4 Innovations facilitated two implementation planning session and one sustainability coaching session with the Office of Care Coordination, Results Academy Team, and relevant stakeholders to review the final draft of the OC Racial Equity Roadmap Action Plan and discussed the implementation of the strategies and action steps identified. The final Racial Equity Roadmap and Recommendations for Implementation Support and Sustainability brief produced by C4 Innovations can be referenced below. 

Event: Racial Equity Roadmap Community Kick-Off

Lisa Bahadosingh and Monique Price of C4 Innovations provide an overview of the Racial Equity Roadmap process that is underway in partnership with the Orange County Continuum of Care (CoC), providing further information about this project and collaboration opportunities for key stakeholders in Orange County.

The Office of Care Coordination on behalf of the Orange County CoC is working with C4 Innovations on a Racial Equity Roadmap that will guide the work of the Orange County CoC and institutionalize equitable policies and practices in homeless service delivery.

During this year long process, the Office of Care Coordination is partnering with C4 Innovations to achieve the following:

  • CoC Assessments and Data Analyses
  • Learning and Action Planning
  • Coaching and Sustainability Planning

To view a recording of the event from December 10, 2021, please click on the following link: 

Training: Racial Equity Roadmap Level-Setting Sessions

The Office of Care Coordination on behalf of the Orange County Continuum of Care (CoC) is working with C4 Innovations on a Racial Equity Roadmap that will guide the work of the Orange County CoC and institutionalize equitable policies and practices in homeless service delivery.

As a next step in the Racial Equity Roadmap process, three Racial Equity Level-Setting Sessions facilitated by Lisa Bahadosingh, Monique Price, and Regina Cannon of C4 Innovations were offered to build upon the overview of rich information provided during the Community Kick-Off call.  The Racial Equity Level-Setting Sessions were facilitated on January 13, 2022; January 20, 2022; and February 1, 2022.

The content of these sessions invited participants to:

  • Understand the importance of leading with race
  • Examine the historical and current day connections between structural racism and homelessness
  • Build a shared understanding of anti-racism language and concepts
  • Deepen knowledge of the three levels of racism and the means by which they function in your work
  • Increase skills to initiate productive conversations about race and racism
  • Begin learning how to operationalize anti-racist strategies and practices

To view recordings of all three sessions, please click on the following link:

Event: Racial Equity Roadmap Presentation of Findings

The Office of Care Coordination on behalf of the Orange County Continuum of Care (CoC) hosted the Racial Equity Roadmap Presentation of Findings, facilitated by C4 Innovations. In this virtual event, Lisa Bahadosingh and Monique Price of C4 Innovations provide an overview on the current progress made in the development of the Racial Equity Roadmap for the Orange County CoC.

Development of the Racial Equity Roadmap is taking place in three phases:

• Phase 1: Assessment and Learning
• Phase 2: Action Planning and Continued Learning
• Phase 3: Implementation Support and Sustainability 

As part of Phase 1, C4 Innovations has held listening sessions, facilitated individual stakeholder interviews, reviewed select CoC policies and procedures, distributed a racial equity assessment survey, and analyzed quantitative data. Phase 1 concluded with a presentation of findings on the qualitative and quantitative data gathered thus far as it applies to the Orange County CoC. C4 Innovations also made reports available on the quantitative and qualitative data findings from Phase 1.

To view a recording of the event on May 3, 2022, please click on the following link:

The event presentation is also included for reference: Racial Equity Roadmap Presentation of Findings