Press Release

County of Orange to Host Virtual Listening Session Following an Increase in Hate Activity in Wake of COVID-19


SANTA ANA, Calif. (September 18, 2020) — On October 6, 2020, the County of Orange and Orange County (OC) Human Relations Commission are inviting the public to participate in Understanding Our Implicit Biases & Community Experiences, a virtual listening session focused on fear-driven hate.

WHO:This forum is open to all members of the public and comes as a result of an increase in hate activity following COVID-19.
WHEN:Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Time: 5-6:30 p.m.
WHERE:Webinar via Zoom
WHY:Currently, 60% of the hate activity tracked by the OC Human Relations Commission has targeted the Asian American/Pacific Islander community due to the origins of the COVID-19 virus. This forum will focus on a discussion around how implicit bias may drive individuals into hateful rhetoric and actions; the impacts of fear and panic during the COVID-19 crisis; and ways to heal together.
REGISTRATION:Register for free at
OTHER LINKS:OC Human Relations Commission website:
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Contact OC Human Relations Commission staff, Norma Lopez, at